Embedded librarians can help your students by:
Suggesting research materials
Participating in discussions to assist students
Being immediately available to serve your students' research needs
And much more!
If you would like a librarian embedded in your course, please contact Kyri Freeman at kfreeman@barstow.edu and cc the Online Office with the CRN.
Bring your students into the library for a focused tutorial session on finding and evaluating research materials. We also offer Tutorials 2.0 for students whose basic library skills are up to speed and are ready to take the next step! To schedule a tutorial, contact Kyri Freeman at kfreeman@barstow.edu.
Want to give your students scaffolded research or library skills assignments but not sure what they should look like? We can create assignments for any skill level and subject matter. You can request this service from Kyri Freeman April Ayto or Nathan Lindsay at kfreeman@barstow.edu, ayto@barstow.edu, and nlindsay@barstow.edu.
We have many of the course textbooks here for students to check out for 2 hours at a time. In addition, Kyri Freeman is OER Liaison for the college and will be glad to help you select OER materials to use.