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HUMA4, Film Studies: Home

This is a guide focused on the SLOs and content of HUMA 4, Survey of Film.

Basic Information

The place to start is your course syllabus! This can always be found in the Canvas shell for your class. If you are having trouble finding it, ask your instructor.

If your section uses an OER textbook, there will either be a link to click on or a PDF will be provided to you. Otherwise, the library has many of the textbooks for 2-hour in-library checkout, and you can purchase copies at the Viking Bookstore. Some textbooks are available for rent or in e-book form through the Viking Bookstore.

Here are the Student Learning Outcomes for your course:

Upon completion of the course, students will be able to:

  • Analyze cinema’s history from the silent era to present day and examine its influence on changing cultural preferences.
  • Recognize and analyze the tools of film including camera angles, lighting, editing and sound to create a cohesive grammar of cinema
  • Appraise and assess directing styles, performances, and elements of popular genres employed by filmmakers and their collaborators over the course of cinematic history.

The library has print books and electronic resources for you to use in any research assignments and to help you understand the course material. 

Library Resources

Academic Search Complete


Want to watch some of the films mentioned in your course, for free? We have quite a few DVDs for 3-day checkout. Here are some examples: