Ethical Considerations of Generative AI
The development of AI technologies means that bots are now capable of writing in the style of a human author which is an issue for professional writing. Recent developments of Open.Ai such as ChatGPT 3, will make it harder to determine if an author/student did in fact produce a work without the aid or assistance of an AI. While many generative AI chatbots do not seem fully capable of creating a full reference academic paper, with some edits it may be easier for students to work using these tools to assist them.
Especially when many online schools have moved to an online format. This means that students that can manipulate these tools in the best possible may be more adaptable and creative with AI assistance without it sounding out of place.
"Organizations around the globe are becoming more aware of the risks artificial intelligence (AI) may pose, including bias and potential job loss due to automation. At the same time, AI is providing many tangible benefits for organizations and society" (
"Concerns around the negative impact of AI on equality and diversity, privacy, social justice, and democracy highlight that citizens, businesses, and governments around the world are struggling to understand how they can access the opportunities AI offers while avoiding its potential harms" (Edinburgh AI, 2023).
AI Principles by Company
As organizations increasingly apply artificial intelligence (AI), they must consider ethical and moral concerns as a strategic priority.
Google AI Principles
Microsoft Responsible AI
"AI is fast becoming an alien intelligence, good at accomplishing goals but dangerous because it won’t necessarily align with the moral values of its creators" (, 2023).
AI Alignment
Black Box Nature
Self Improvement
Autonomy & Independence
Image Creation and Copyright
"Copyright issues around AI-generated content and training data remain a gray area in the absence of regulation. Many of the lawsuits fighting against copyright infringement are still making their way through the courts."
How can we understand, explain and control—if ever—the internal workings within a complex AI system (cf. e.g. Kempt et al., 2022; Mittelstadt et al., 2019)?
Who bears responsibility in the event of harm resulting from the use of an AI system (cf. e.g. Santoni de Sio & Mecacci, 2021; Sparrow, 2007)?
How can AI systems be prevented from reflecting existing discrimination, biases and social injustices based on their training data, thereby exacerbating them (cf. e.g. Bender et al., 2021; Benjamin, 2019; Friedman & Nissenbaum, 1996)?
How can the privacy of people be protected, given that personal data can be collected and analysed so easily by many (cf. e.g. Véliz, 2020; Zuboff, 2015, 2019)?
How can autonomous human decision-making be protected against undue influence and deskilling resulting from the use of AI (cf. e.g. Lara & Deckers, 2020; Lu, 2016; Mills, 2020; Reiner & Nagel, 2017)?
How can it be prevented that an uncontrollable, potentially malicious, super-intelligence will, one day, put its own goals above those of humans (cf. e.g. Bostrom, 2014)?
Dwivedi, Y. K., Kshetri, N., Hughes, L., Slade, E. L., Jeyaraj, A., Kar, A. K., ... & Wright, R. (2023). “So what if ChatGPT wrote it?” Multidisciplinary perspectives on opportunities, challenges, and implications of generative conversational AI for research, practice, and policy. International Journal of Information Management, 71, 102642.
Holmes, W., Porayska-Pomsta, K., Holstein, Ken, Sutherland, E., Baker, T., Buckingham Shum, S., Santos, O. C., Rodrigo, M. M. T., Cukorova, M., Bittencourt, I. I., & Koedinger, K. (2021). Ethics of AI in Education: Towards a Community-wide Framework. International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education.
Holmes, W., & Porayska-Pomsta, K. (Eds.). (2023). The Ethics of AI in Education. Practices, Challenges, and Debates. Routledge.
Kempt, H., Heilinger, J.-C., Nagel, S.K. (2022). “I’m afraid I can’t let you do that, Doctor” – Meaningful Disagreements with AI in Medical Contexts'. AI & Society.
Zohny, H., McMillan, J., & King, M. (2023). Ethics of generative AI. Journal of Medical Ethics, 49(2), 79-80.
"Research Priorities for Robust and Beneficial Artificial Intelligence: An Open Letter"
In January 2015, Stephen Hawking, Elon Musk, and dozens of artificial intelligence experts signed an open letter on artificial intelligence calling for research on the societal impacts of AI. The letter affirmed that society can reap great potential benefits from artificial intelligence, but called for concrete research on how to prevent certain potential "pitfalls": artificial intelligence has the potential to eradicate disease and poverty, but researchers must not create something which is unsafe or uncontrollable. The four-paragraph letter, titled "Research Priorities for Robust and Beneficial Artificial Intelligence: An Open Letter", lays out detailed research priorities in an accompanying twelve-page document.
Challenges that arise are divided into:
Verification: "Did I build the system right?"
Validity "Did I build the right system?"
Security & control: "OK, I built the system wrong, can I fix it?"