Claude Shannon - 1948 Helped kick start machine learning and put forward information theory. He also wrote Boolean logic AND, OR, and NOT still used by search engines. He described the basis for all modern communications such as wireless internet on your smartphone.
Alan Turing - 1950 Published an article that demonstrated the Turing test as a measure of machine intelligence and answered all of the most common objections to the proposal that "machines can think"
John McCarthy - 1955 - coined the term artificial intelligence.
Marvin Minsky - founding member of the MIT Artificial Intelligence Project, which sought to develop machines that could think and act like humans. He worked on robotics and computer vision, and his research laid the foundation for modern neural networks.
IBM's Deep Blue made history in 1997 when it became the first machine to beat a reigning world chess champion. Kasparov accused the IBM team of cheating its way to victory. In reality, though, scientists had been interested in programming a computer to play chess since the late 1940s, according to an article on IBM's blog about Deep Blue. It took years for engineers and computer scientists to perfect the artificial intelligence program that would one day beat a world champion.
Tay was an early version of a machine learning technique attempting to accomplish some of the generative appeal that we now see so famously through GPT.
But it was on a much different scale than we’re experiencing with large language model frameworks.” LLMs such as GPT-3 and GPT-4 have been trained on millions and billions of data points. So what’s happening today is going to be different than what Microsoft was attempting to do before transformers became a thing
1948 Claude Shannon In a 1948 paper, one of the greatest in the history of engineering, he came up with a way of measuring the information content of a signal and calculating the maximum rate at which information could be reliably transmitted over any sort of communication channel. The article, titled “A Mathematical Theory of Communication,” describes the basis for all modern communications, including the wireless Internet on your smartphone and even an analog voice signal on a twisted-pair telephone landline (Brooks, 2022)
The father of information theory also paved the way for AI.He designed Boolean logic gates still used in Web searches AND OR and NOT
1950 In 1950, Alan Turing published “Computing Machinery and Intelligence” in the journal Mind in 1950.
which proposes the Turing test as a measure of machine intelligence and answers all of the most common objections to the proposal that "machines can think"
Arthur Samuel created the term "machine learning" in reference to his research in the early 1960s. That research was based on the checkers game that Robert Nealy played against an IBM 7094 computer and lost. Although this is minor compared to what machines can do today, it was a groundbreaking milestone at the time.
1955 John McCarthy coined the term artificial intelligence in 1955,
1956 Logic Theorist is a computer program written in 1956 by Allen Newell, Herbert A. Simon, and Cliff Shaw. It was the first program deliberately engineered to perform automated reasoning and has been described as "the first artificial intelligence program.
1957 Perceptron (First Modern Neural Network), Frank Rosenblatt introduces the Perceptron, a single-layer neural network capable of learning and making simple decisions. The Perceptron algorithm paves the way for the development of neural networks and serves as a foundation for future advancements in machine learning.
1958 John McCarthy creates the computer programming language, LISP, in 1958.
Arthur Samuel created the term "machine learning" in reference to his research in the early 1960s. That research was based on the checkers game that Robert Nealy played against an IBM 7094 computer and lost. Although this is minor compared to what machines can do today, it was a groundbreaking milestone at the time.
1959 Samuel Johnson coins the word machine learning, working with a machine that could beat a human.
1960s The technology of Generative, it should be noted, is not brand-new. Generative AI was introduced in the 1960s in chatbots. But it was not until 2014, with the introduction of generative adversarial networks, or GANs -- a type of machine learning algorithm -- that generative AI could create convincingly authentic images, videos and audio of real people.
Humans have conversed with computers since the 1960s when Joseph Weizenbaum created ELIZA, the world's first chatbot.
1962 Arthur Samuel created the term "machine learning" in reference to his research. That research was based on the checkers game that Robert Nealy played against an IBM 7094 computer and lost. Although this is minor compared to what machines can do today, it was a groundbreaking milestone at the time.
1965 Eliza - Developed by Joseph Weizenbaum at MIT, ELIZA is an early example of a natural language processing program. It uses pattern-matching techniques to engage in conversation and simulate a Rogerian psychotherapist. ELIZA showcases the potential for human-like interactions with computers.
2016 In Microsoft’s chatbot Tay—designed to pick up its lexicon and syntax from interactions with real people posting comments on Twitter—was barraged with antisocial ideas and vulgar language. Within a few hours of it landing in bad company, it began parroting the worst of what one might encounter on social media.
June 11, 2018 OpenAI researchers and engineers published a paper introducing the first generative pre-trained transformer (GPT)—a type of generative large language model that is pre-trained with an enormous and diverse text corpus in datasets.
August 2019 OpenAI releases GPT-2, an advanced text generation model, raising concerns about the potential misuse of AI-generated content and prompting discussions on responsible AI development.
January 5, 2021 DALL·E was revealed by OpenAI in a blog post in 5 January 2021. It uses a version of GPT-3[5] modified to generate images.
February 2022 Midjourney Version 1 is released.
April 2022 Midjourney Version 2 is released.
July 2022 Midjourney Version 3 is released.
July 20, 2022 DALL·E 2 entered into a beta phase with invitations sent to 1 million waitlisted individuals.
November 2022
OpenAI released the ChatGPT-3.5 language model family in November 2022
Midjourney Version 4 is released.
March 2023
ChatGPT-4 is released
Midjourney Version 5 is released.
March 7, 2023 Nature Biomedical Engineering writes that "it is no longer possible to accurately distinguish" human-written text from text created by large language models, and that "It is all but certain that general-purpose large language models will rapidly proliferate... It is a rather safe bet that they will change many industries over time.
March 14, 2023 Generative Pre-trained Transformer 4 (GPT-4) is released.
March 29, 2023 A petition of over 1,000 signatures was signed by Elon Musk, Steve Wozniak, and other tech leaders, calling for a 6-month halt to what the petition refers to as an "an out-of-control race" producing AI systems that its creators can't "understand, predict, or reliably control.
May 2023 Midjourney Version 5.1 is released.
June 2023 Midjourney Version 5.2 is released.
December 2023 Midjourney Version 6 is released.
May 2024 OpenAi releases Chat-GTP-4o Which can reason across audio, vision, and text in real time.
Generative AI Timeline
A great example in AI improvement is seen from the leading generative AI program Midjourney as it documents its imageability from each version of its release working from the same prompt.