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Research Skills - APA & MLA: APA 7th Ed

Homepage for MLA & APA citation formatting

What is APA? 7th ed

The new 7th Edition of APA (the American Psychological Association) formatting was published in October 2019 to replace the 6th edition published in 2009. Since their have been so many new changes from the 6th to the 7th Edition of the APA formatting manual, many colleges and universities have not yet adopted the new version. 

The 6th edition which was published in 2009, is still the standard for many colleges as students and faculty prepare to adapt to the new formatting changes. 

RIP 6th edition




What we did in 6th edition APA which is no longer in 7th edition

Running Head:
Retrieved from:
Place of publication for books
Putting doi:
Scribbr - APA 7th Edition Changes 

Students continue to write retrieved from: on end references but it is no longer required or necessary

Dont use Citation Machines!


A citation machine's final produced citation is usually missing materials such as publication date, doi, unless they are supplied by the user.
Don't put (n.d.) which means no date unless you cannot find any date at all.

What is a DOI?

DOI: What is the Digital Object Identifier?


The DOI or Digital Object Identifier is a permanent link to an academic article. These are established so authors and academics could find an exact link to an academic article. These digital object identifiers, DOIs, are permanent links or so-called PERMA Links, to the material that do not break over time, meaning the link will never stop working. :)

Here is how a DOI looks 

The shortDOI Service creates shortened DOI® names, of the form 10/abcde, as aliases for existing DOI names, which are often very long strings.

The DOI System
American Psychological Association (2020, August).What is a DOI?

Youtube video - Scribbr - 17 Most Notable Changes

Writing in APA 7th Edition

7th edition

There have been major changes in the new APA 7th edition that should make creating an APA paper easier. The removal of the Running Head on students papers is one major change. 

The prefix "DOI:" is no longer necessary.

Publication location is no longer included, just the publisher. 

URLs are no longer preceded by "Retrieved from," unless the item is subject to change and not archived, in which case you should note "Retrieved on [date] from [URL]."

How to cite APA 7th Ed

A great site examining the most notable changes between the 6th and 7th editions of the APA Manual through great visuals.

Scribbr - APA 7th Edition Changes 

A great complete PDF guide from Mount Royal University in Canada. This new edition corresponds with the 7th edition of APA formatting.

APA 7th Edition - Guide to Referencing (2022-2023)

Creating a APA academic journal citation

Dont buy academic articles



Don’t purchase academic article content online when you have
college library databases for free!

As a Barstow Community College student, you have access to many academic articles. 


Finding an academic article online on Google Scholar, especially if you are actually able to access the article without paying, may be a nice place to start, but your research should not stop there. Google Scholar could be a possible starting place. If you did hit a paywall but you can find these same titles in the library databases using possible article keywords rather than full sentences.


OWL Purdue



The Online Writing Lab at Purdue University or OWL is still considered one of the best sources for APA guides online. Purdue University has taken special care to separate APA material between the 6th and 7th editions of their formatting guides.

OWL Purdue is a really great resource but the issue is their material related to APA is on many different pages and there is no one all-inclusive guide. It is for that reason that we prefer the guide used by Mount Royal University, in Calgary Alberta Canada who provides a 14-page .pdf guide. With this 14 page pdf guide students can keep this open in another window or print the 14 pages out.


From the library catalog

Library Technician II


Google Scholar Search